Frequently Asked Questions

BodyPoints_200wAccupuncture Points -
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Meridians are a network of energetic pathways that pass through the organs and tissues of the body. Bioelectric energy, essential for human life, flows through each meridian. In Chinese medicine, this energy is called Qi (pronounced chi). There are many acupoints along any meridian. Acupoints are specific locations where the meridian intersects with the surface of the skin. These acupoints can be used to access data about the meridian and the functional status of its associated organs or tissues.

BM_-_Professional_SystemBiomeridian Tester ProMeridian Stress Assessment (MSA) is a holistic method used to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of a person's energetic health and balance. Each meridian is like an electrical circuit. MSA measures electrical conductivity at responsive points (meridian points) on the hands and feet. Readings taken at these specific acupoints on the hands and feet are used to determine the functional status of each meridian. These measurements indicate the state of balance in the organs, glands and systems of the body and can detect very subtle reactivity. The readings show whether the meridian and its associated organ and tissues are balanced, stressed or weakened. MSA is a powerful tool used to better understand the total health of the body. It identifies the nutritional and/or homeopathic remedies that will assist in restoring energetic balance to the whole system. MSA is a safe and effective means to identify reactions to foods, allergens, environmental contaminants, metal and other toxicities and possible infections.

Meridian Stress Assessment measures bioelectrical impedance, which is the electrical conductivity between specific points on the body. This occurs by creating a "circuit," and measuring the flow of electricity between those points. Bioelectrical impedance devices have been consistently used in medicine to non-invasively obtain important health information.The amount of current used in MSA testing is in the range of millionths of an amp. This is so slight that you will not even feel it. MSA technology can be compared to polygraph, EKG (electrocardiogram), EEG (electro-encephalogram), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and other technologies that measure electrical response on the surface of the skin. This test is non-invasive and completely safe. However, if you have a pacemaker or other implanted electronic device, please check with your manufacturer before testing.

BM---Testing-Screen-smMeridian Stress Assessment Screen - Click to Zoom

BodyElectric_smBody Electric - Click to ZoomThis test would benefit anyone interested in examining and optimizing the functional status of their health.  This applies to those who would like to take a proactive approach to prevention as well as those who want to improve a chronic or pre-existing condition through natural means.  Many people suffer from food and environmental allergies, metal toxicities and other contaminants without realizing the cause.


Bio-Reportorization (Bio-Rep) is a fast, accurate and objective profiling tool that assists the practitioner in recognizing the optimal protocol for each client. It is designed to deliver long-term benefits to clients by quickly discovering areas of potential concern and identifying natural solutions. Bio-Rep's strength lies in its ability to efficiently combine multiple sources of client information in a simple and effective format.

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This will be different for every client. Depending on compliance, along with proper dietary changes, positive effects could be seen as quickly as a few days or weeks. In some cases it may take longer. It is recommended in most cases that a client get rechecked every 1-3 months.

BioRepPost-Detox_600wBioreprioritization Post Detox

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