Meridian Stress Assessment measures bioelectrical impedance, which is the electrical conductivity between specific points on the body. This occurs by creating a "circuit," and measuring the flow of electricity between those points. Bioelectrical impedance devices have been consistently used in medicine to non-invasively obtain important health information.The amount of current used in MSA testing is in the range of millionths of an amp. This is so slight that you will not even feel it. MSA technology can be compared to polygraph, EKG (electrocardiogram), EEG (electro-encephalogram), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and other technologies that measure electrical response on the surface of the skin. This test is non-invasive and completely safe. However, if you have a pacemaker or other implanted electronic device, please check with your manufacturer before testing.
Meridian Stress Assessment Screen - Click to Zoom